One of my previous posts talked about how Republicans have started to refer to Pro-Choice as Pro-Abortion, implying that we want people to have more abortions.
I revisit this briefly today because of something I saw in Sarah Palin's interview with Barbara Walters.
I think most people know that Sarah Palin has a baby with Down Syndrome. She knew the baby had this condition and decided to have the baby anyway. Good for her. I have no issue with that. I in no way feel that because I would make a different choice that everyone needs to make the same choice as me.
Here is what bugs me. In the interview with Barbara Walters, Barbara asks Sarah if she considered abortion when she found out that Trig had Down Syndrome. Sarah began her response by saying, 'I knew that the option was there.'
She knew the option was there. This tells me the thought crossed her mind if even for a second. Yet she would still throw her lot in with those that would take away that choice completely.
I have said it before and I will repeat it now. Being Pro-Choice is about just that. Choice!! We would love for there to be no abortions. But we will never support removing the option. An option that crossed even the mind of far right wing Republican Sarah Palin.
Happy New Year — Learn to Knit!
3 years ago
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