Super Tuesday is nearly upon us. Clinton just picked up another victory in a state where she was the only one to campaign. Interesting that the only two states that she has handily beat Obama are the two states that he did not campaign in.
I get so aggravated whenever someone brings up her 'experience' as a deciding factor over Obama. What experience is that? Four more years in the senate than Barack - during which time she voted to allow the President to go to war in Iraq. Is that supposed to make me feel good?
I suppose she counts her time as the First Lady of Arkansas and the United States. I think Chris Rock put it best when describing that. Who would you rather have flying the plane, the pilot or the pilot's wife?
She criticizes Obama for lack of experience and how he voted 'present' while in the state senate on a number of issues. I ask you this. During her extensive experience as the First Lady, how exactly was she held accountable? Can someone point me to some of her tough policy decisions she had to make. She never had to put her name to a vote on anything and never had any more pull than a common citizen to get anything accomplished. While Obama was a state senator in Illinois making tough decisions for his state, Hillary was dressing pretty and putting on a good face for the country. I do not think the latter trumps the former.
And let's not forget that no one heard of Hillary Clinton until Bill ran for President. And I seem to recall a fair number of people being quite upset whenever she got involved in the political game. She would have never been senator of New York had Bill not been President. She would certainly not be in a position to run for President had Bill not been President.
I will take Obama's actual legislative experience over Hillary's imagined experience any day.
Happy New Year — Learn to Knit!
3 years ago
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