One thing that has really irked me during the 8 years of Republican rule was how they could preach freedom in all of its forms, yet simultaneously persecute those that offered differing opinions. For example, those that opposed the War in Iraq were not only dissenters, but actually unpatriotic. To those in charge, patriotism was directly proportional to how much you agreed with them. They did not recognize that the right to disagree was the very core of freedom.
I fear that many of those that stood with me in opposing this attitude during the Bush years are now falling into the same trap.
Let's look at what has been going on with Miss California. She was asked for her opinion on gay marriage. She answered with her opinion on gay marriage. And for her honesty she has been getting persecuted from a variety of people.
Let me state first that I absolutely, 100% disagree with her opinion. I think it is a short-sighted opinion to have, as well as a dangerous one for a country that has had more than a few civil rights battles in its history.
Despite my opinion on the matter, I also recognize that the foundation of this country is built upon her right to have her own opinion on the matter and to voice that opinion. We criticize politicians all of the time for pandering to the masses and not being honest. Yet here is a woman who was asked a polarizing question, by a gay man by the way, and gave an honest answer and she still has not heard the end of it. Would we have been happier if she lied? Would that have been a better message to send to children that look up to her?
Everyone needs to understand that there is a difference between supporting something and supporting someones right to believe in that thing. I believe gay marriage should be legal, but I also believe that people should have the right to believe otherwise without being run through the wringer. That is what freedom is about.
If we disagree with each other, we maintain civility and we have open and honest dialogue to see if we can find common ground, or if we just agree to disagree. If we send the message that you have to tailor your beliefs to suit the audience or the majority opinion, then what kind of freedom is that?
So to those that think Miss California should be stripped of her crown because she answered a question honestly, I say that you are no better than those that you criticized during the Bush years. It works both ways and it is time to walk the walk.
Happy New Year — Learn to Knit!
3 years ago